very disappointed |
August 9, 2024 |
Freddie McClurkin from Kansas City, MO United States
I am a 76-year-old disabled Vet with ALS. I was given 18 months to live 11 years ago. I needed the banners to share at an airshow, how others can extend their lives. Order placed 17 th with projected delivery date 22-23. Because of problems with artwork, there was a printing delay. Friday the 19th I was informed that it would not be shipped until 23rd. I responded on 19th with"Sorry the 23rd will be too late," on Monday 22nd I contacted you again with "Tuesday shipping is not our agreement and I no longer want those prints". I am very sorry for all the confusion. The banners were not delivered until 29th much too late for the show. I have very limited funds and very high medical bills. I think you are a great company and offer great service but this did not work out. I can not afford this lost. I would greatly appreciate my returning the order for a refund. Thank you very much for your every consideration. Freddie McClurkin,
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